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Struggles to be NeuroTypical - Home Heating
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117 Views • Oct 16, 2024 • Click to toggle off description
ADHD struggles: Home heating

#adhd #struggles #ac #airconditioning
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Views : 117
Genre: Entertainment
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Oct 16, 2024 ^^

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RYD date created : 2024-10-17T20:23:36.61212Z
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3 months ago

Not neurotypical but I'm on the ADHD side. If I stop to think about it, it is a conundrum , so many variables, but most often I'm too distracted by other things to worry about it.

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3 months ago

Keep the door closed if its warmer outside than inside, otherwise youll just heat up the place. Even more of a reason in case the home has AC. Plus bugs can get in without a screen door

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3 months ago

I'm far from neurotypical myself, and I understand how difficult contending with those conflicting thoughts can be. That said, it depends entirely on circumstances! Id guess in this case the door probably should be closed since it seems like all the windows are closed! For a quick little bit of information that might help you with wrapping your mind around heating a house. High energy always travels to low energy. Temperature is just average energy in something! If the inside of the house is cold and the outside is warmer the heat will be slowly entering the building and if the inside is warmer than the outside that energy will always be slowly leaving towards the outside. Heat always moves towards cold. Different materials transfer energy at differ rates! Insulation transfers energy very slowly! Meaning heat leaves your home slower and heat gets in slower which makes both your AC and heaters more efficient. Open doors and windows allow that energy to travel much more freely! Windows and doors are already big sources of temperature transfer as is, but opening them makes thay effect even greater. To be clear all of this isnt necessarily bad at all, it just depends on what you think is best! Is the house cooler than the outside by a significant amount? In that case probably close the door unless it's too cold inside! It's all a bit subjective! Either way getting some nice fresh air in the house isn't such a bad idea! I think the conclusion ive come to is either way, it probably isn't too big a deal! Don't stress too much if you can manage it! Regardless good luck, wishing you the best in life ✌️


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