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Views : 1,791
Genre: Film & Animation
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Oct 14, 2022 ^^
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RYD date created : 2023-10-05T17:05:31.203877Z
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2 years ago
Okay soo, I made the biggest mistake. Goku is 6D. Everyone in the tournament of power are 6D beings, because the null realm is outside of time and space. Therefore everyone in this realm is atleast 6D. So that means that base Goku is Low Complex Multiversal. Goku in ui/mui (anime) should have immesurable speed (which is greater than infinite speed, Ragna has infinite speed), because he is comparable to Jiren, Jiren was able to move even though Hit stopped time for him (Time Freeze) (therefore Jiren has immesurable speed, but Goku is quite faster than Jiren, so he has immesurable speed too). So Goku beats Ragna (Speed, Reflexes, Agility, AP, Potential, Strength, Durability+Endurance, basically almost everything).
Goku is 6D and has immesurable speed proof: imgur.com/a/lZbNedF (Jiren was stopped in time, but managed to move, Goku is faster than Jiren so >=)
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