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Uploaded At Feb 28, 2024 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
My great-great-grandma, great-grandma, and grandma have all had Alzheimer's... All of which lived very different lives
I've already accepted my mother and I will have it too.
It might not be genetic, but I think that I would rather plan for it than give my children false hope.
If I stay sane, I will enjoy it. If I don't, I want my family to understand that I will love them, no matter what I say when I'm no longer here.
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"Lifestyle" and ALSO environmental factors. Medications, air pollution, plastics, pesticides, herbicides, hidden trans fat exposure, lead, mercury, etc. Also, other things that are outside of your control. Things like mental illness, anesthesia, stressful life events (spouse dies, bankruptcy, burying a child, etc), sleep quality... On and on.
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Having had my mom pass with dementia I assume already I could get it. I heard a stat that 40% of dementia patients have Diabetes 2. Sedentary lifestyle can also cause so many problems. I’m now paying attention more to my diet. Just had toe surgery today so I can be as active as I want ….without pain. Doing my part to be the best I can be. ❤❤❤
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Yes, I have an appointment with my neurologist getting next week. I definitely want to know, so I can slide the prices as soon as I can and as quick as I can. I already have an issue with recall, such as revealing a specific word, even if I said it a minute or two ago or if it's something I use commonly. However, I still have a very good memory. My mom, her sister and a few of her cousins have/had it. I think they were diagnosed in their 80s. My mom is currently about stage 6. She will turn 91 mid-June.
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My mums dementia surfaced at 93 it probably started years before hand but it went unnoticed until 93 .. she died at 97. Her personality didn’t change she was happy she knew who I was . But I did find she was a lot more quieter than usual. She never drove so she walked everywhere, ate Mediterranean diet. This may have helped with the years later of the dementia appearing.
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10 months ago
Yes. My dad died after 10 yrs with Parkinson's. My Mom has Alzheimers, going into care soon. I focus a lot on healthy lifestyle living. But I would like to know my risk level.
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