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Views : 1,867,983
Genre: Entertainment
Uploaded At Jul 9, 2024 ^^
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RYD date created : 2024-11-30T09:31:52.112143Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
I worked at an auto shop for three years. I always tried to do everything the right way and never cut corners. Unfortunately, the owners didn't share the same approach. Last week, they shorted my paycheck by over 20 hours, which was the last straw for me. I reported them to the EPA and the HR departments of Mazda and Chevrolet, as they are a dealership franchise selling both brands. They were venting AC refrigerant straight into the atmosphere and performing illegal deletes on diesel trucks. The EPA ended up cutting me a nice check for my report. I sent the EPA pictures of work order tickets and wore a hidden body camera to capture supervisors and owners instructing me to perform these actions. I had all my receipts in order. It was gratifying to get my payback; they messed with my money too much. so it felt good to mess with their money a little bit and get mine plus more 😂
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🤔 My bestie is an HVAC Repair/Installer, he said, they did the same with the AC's refridgerant. However, the old refridgerant is no longer sold at the places they get thier stuff. He said, one od his customers AC units took 8 pounds.
😣 Today, $100 is not $100 anymore, unless you're trying to earn i
64 |
4 months ago
I'd rather pay an honest mechanic a bit more than go to someone who tries to rip me off.
1.5K |