I am a hobo, a 'down and out', a vagrant, an indigent person, homeless. I live in a field. This is My Story!
Join me, Delta Mike, for TrampCast where I detail a week in the life of a man struggling to survive against the odds, against the system.
TrampCast 001 - TrampCast (space) Zero Zero One. My backstory: who I am, my childhood, my background, my history, my education, my previous employment and my business.
How I became homeless, and how you could too. Three consecutive 'mishaps' could put you where I
now find myself.
#Torrevieja #hobo #homeless #TrampCast #TrampCast001 #Podcast #DeltaMike #DeltaMikeTorrevieja #backstory #TorreviejaPodcast #sinhogar #españa #2024 sin hogar en españa
españa sin hogar,
sin hogar en torrevieja
delta mike torrevieja.
homeless in torrevieja
torrevieja homeless
2024 torrevieja.
First TrampCast
TrampCast episode 1
hobo in torrevieja;
hobo torrevieja
homeless torrevieja
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podcast torrevieja homeless
torrevieja 2024
torrevieja alicante.
torrevieja alicante spain
torrevieja costa blanca
torrevieja españa.
torrevieja hobo
torrevieja homeless podcast,
torrevieja podcast
torrevieja spain
⚡️ Also do not forget to subscribe to the channel so as not to miss new torrevieja videos! ⚡️
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Join Me for my weekly livestream podcast 'TrampCast' where you can catch-up with developments in my life.
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paypal.me/DeltaMikeTorrevieja If asked mark it as 'friends or family' to avoid fees and potential delays
Friends Of The Channel
Torrevieja Channel:
Out and about in Torrevieja. Spain.
youtube.com/@torrevieja_channel That Interview: With Barry From Scottish Couple In Spain
• British Homeless In Torrevieja Spain ... Scottish Couple In Spain:
After years of dreaming about it, we sold up and moved to Spain to start a brand new life together.
youtube.com/@ScottishCoupleInSpain and Andy From @Mountainviewfarm2022
youtube.com/@Mountainviewfarm2022 To order a vegetable box on Facebook:
facebook.com/mountainviewfarmproduce (Delivery is within 55 KM of Orihuela)
Patrick Crow's Thunder:
An unconventional approach to fulfilment in a modern age.
youtube.com/@CrowsThunder Vio!ent Monk:
Living a peaceful life requires you to have the skills and abilities necessary to protect it. This is called 'being peacefully lethal'.
youtube.com/@ViolentMonk The Family Revolution:
Join the fight to save your family from the modern world.
Helping families who are tired of feeling unhealthy, unhappy and disconnected from each other.
youtube.com/@TheFamilyRevolution My Playlists:
Catch-up: Best Videos For New Subscribers:
• Catch-up: Best Videos For New Subscri... TrampCast (livestreams):
• TrampCast With Torrevieja Tramp Delta... Cooking With A Hobo:
• Cooking With The Torrevieja Hobo The Rain In Spain Falls Mainly On... Me:
• The Rain In Spain Falls Mainly On... Me That Was The Week That Was:
• That Was The Week That Was Torrevieja Walks And Visits:
• Torrevieja Walks And Visits Tina Takes Centre Stage:
• Torrevieja Tramp's Dog Tina Takes Cen... … Gratefully Received:
• Gratefully Received By Homeless Torre... Torrevieja Nature:
• Torrevieja Nature Videos
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