2,211 Views • Dec 7, 2022 • Click to toggle off description
The manga Vagabond offers some interesting philosophy, such as that of Eastern Asia.
If one needs to understand some panels, this video provides some context through quotes by ancient philosophers.
Buddha's quote tells us that it is important to do things step by step and thus become good. The analogy is between a bucket that is filled drop by drop and the human who is filling himself slowly with good.
Most focus on the giant volume of water that suddenly fills the pot but that is not really the case. Precisely speaking, that wave consists of tiny drops of water and atoms. Without them the wave won't exist. Furthermore, the pouring of the whole water in the pot will lead to overwhelm and overflow. It is in other words not possible or productive.
So is the human character as well. Nothing happens all of a sudden, but rather drop by drop and step by step.
Confucius points to the simplicity of life that is often neglected and changed into difficulty.
Once people go back to that simplicity, they notice how helpful it can be in daily life.
This ties well with Lao Tzu's quote of the still mind. Complexity leads to difficulty, when it's done incorrectly.
Simplicity hides in its character unbelievable complexity and simplicity makes things easy and calm. Thus someone who lives life simply is on the path to a still mind. Once that someone reaches the stillness of mind, the whole universe surrenders because it becomes understandable and easy (note: easy in form of competence and ability).
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Views : 2,211
Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Dec 7, 2022 ^^
warning: returnyoutubedislikes may not be accurate, this is just an estiment ehe :3
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2 years ago
Nice vid