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Uploaded At Feb 25, 2023 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
I get all of this & am definitely in the type. I remember a distinct moment when I realized that "mavericks" are all part of the International Association of Mavericks (IAM.) All that said, I see Sigma types as being entrepreneurs or alphas who are on their journey to realizing their potential. They just don't want to become a cog, they're going somewhere. Once they get there then a tight network will develop around them & their endeavors & they will take a more alpha role at times while still retaining the "man on a mission" mindset & preferences.
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Yup, that would be me to a T.
And what's funny is I'd been hearing the term "sigma male" for some time but just ignored it thinking it was just some internet trope thing (which isn't really incorrect, I guess). But when I gave in and looked it up, I was shocked at how dead on that describes me.
All this time I just thought I was kinda weird that way, turns out it's a thing.
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