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Views : 6,097
Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Oct 26, 2024 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
It's true. They take an oath to the Greek gods that will go with them until the day of Judgement. When I heard that, it grieved me to the point of tears. I'm glad a lot of people are coming out of these covenants and renouncing and denouncing. Jesus loves everyone and is the only way to heaven. ❤❤❤
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They are fraternaties!!! All over the world cultyures have developed fraternities with secret rites that would look weird to outsiders. It is something that they share. They know what the other person had to go through. I was in the Moorish Science Temple when I was young. Most of us had the last name of "Bey" or "El". Whenever I went out of town, I could look in any phone book and find a someone with one of those last names. They would show love, never failed.
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1 month ago
He said that the way dude in new York in 97 asked me if I wanted to be blood. Like nah bro I have family and they don’t beat me up to be a member, that’s stupid.
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