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Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Jun 6, 2023 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Ok so. You say you have faith, yet you also knowingly sin. That's not faith That's wishful thinking that if you say you think christ is your savior and you fear God that your words will get you into heaven. You can't say that you believe in Jesus then not believe in what he says such as "deny yourself". You do not have faith you have wishful, sinful, worldly, thinking
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Even worse than gay are Mormons, for they will end up in hell merely for erring in doctrine, according to some that interpret the Bible as inherent, according to their interpretation.
The solution I think is simple, the Good Samaritian did not have faith in Christ, and erred in doctrine, and yet he was the one whom Christ considered to be "good".. and why? Simply because he showd mercy and charity.. And Paul made clear that what stands above faith, mighty works and miracles, and even above knowing all things, is charity..
So, and since noone can judge the amount of charity within others (also because if can be fakes from the outside=).. which is why I tink we should stop loling outside and judge others, but rather discern the good trees by the good fruits if charity that arise within each one of us...
As below, so above. As within, so outside.
Judge as you want to be judged.
Terms and conditions always applied man, it’s called the rule of God, I’m sorry you don’t know it. But we that know of the light the way and the truth are here to oppose you and let you know, that is a sin of the flesh and something you would have moved past long ago had you really know God in your heart. Keep trying and know that faith is not salvation, Jesus is, and he ordained that we abide by the law of our God Almighty. You are reaching and hoping for true Godly people’s acceptance, I am sorry to say you won’t find it, you will find true Godly people like me try to refer you to the rule of God and the fact that your sin can be erased and you can be changed if only you ever wanted to, or had the spirit within to do so. But you never have because you have always been trapped within sin. We will not bow down to your wicked ways for our Lord Almighty has instructed us to be as warriors in our pursuit to oppose and rise against the beast that dwell within this low place! If I could do so I would cast your demon from within you threw this phone right here right now! That attachment you have is just that, you can shed it and be set free but you have to truly want that salvation, and that love, and that acceptance of being a true and pure and holy individual cast apart from your wicked and unholy ways made by men to oppose our one and only God Almighty!!!
1 year ago
It is amazing how so many people here are try to arguing their specific negotiation with the bible as "the word of God". Can anyone here tell me how a queer person who loves "works" are of any less merit than your own. There attraction is not in a category that you like. You are upholding your own power and social structures, not the "word of God". Love is the goal, if no one violates that goal, then they are doing the summation of the law. (side note back to the content creator. Keep making good content.)
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