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Views : 2,834
Genre: Entertainment
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Oct 18, 2023 ^^
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RYD date created : 2023-11-02T01:56:54.383786Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Nailers and Crystal Nailers available now! www.etsy.com/shop/NotNuffNylon
14 |
I LOVE the Outlaw, and just got four 3D printed cylinders for it. I intend to get another one and find someone who can 3D print both holsters for me (Weird that I can't find them on eBay or Etsy).
Every company has its lemons. I mean, my goodness, Nerf didn't do jack about the Warden or any other number of bogus blasters. And not every Omnia had problems, such as yours.
I still trust them as a company, but don't forget, sales are usually based on the retailer, not the manufacturer. I don't think Dart Zone is trying to screw their customers.
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I wonder if that new N-series spring mag could be used as a high speed dump-clip for a hopper-fed blaster. Like instead of carefully loading in your handful, you could just insert the mag and let that weird spring system engage and immediately dump all the rounds inside.
Also, did you notice the thunderbolt on clearance at target? I don’t even see them on the shelves currently.
1 year ago
I agree, some clarity would be nice.
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