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Views : 1,781
Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Apr 2, 2024 ^^
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RYD date created : 2024-04-03T12:31:12.864278Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
I think what the original person misses is that it's not about judging what individuals do in their lives. Because those individuals get so comfortable in their sin that they try their best to make that sort of sin or deviant behavior the norm. And then they try to go to greater lengths to make speaking out against the sinful or deviant behavior a crime. That's why we must stand on truth.
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Discernment and judgment are different. We discern that people are living godless lives but we don’t judge them. They will be judged by the righteous judge and there will be true justice at that time. Will you be found to be perfect on that day?
Only the perfect will survive. Only Christ Jesus offers perfection because his sacrifice and death for sin.
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I don’t understand how people can believe that God can die
Or even a part of God can die
It doesn’t make sense to me
My God is One (fully one not 2 in one or 3 in one)
My God doesn’t die not even for a microsecond
My God sent Prophets from Adam all the way till the last Prophet Muhammed peace be upon all the Prophets
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9 months ago
He who is without sin, cast the first stone! It’s one thing to correct someone’s errors, but it’s another when you act like you’re better than somebody else! It’s a lot of adulterers in the church too, they’ve left their husband or wife, but have moved on to somebody else and they are technically still married! It’s always good to correct and educate, just don’t do it in a judgmental manner. Proper education always corrects errors!
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