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Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Sep 27, 2021 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
(when she was young) and her mom were out camping and there were men in a truck nearby. Later that night, she was awoken by her mom in the tent who was sitting up and motioning for her to be quiet. They could hear the men approaching the tent. The mom had a bit of quick thinking and said "Tommy, grab the gun" aloud, even though it was just the girl and her mom. The men ended up leaving after hearing that. I can't imagine the horrors they avoided that night.
Then during the live interview the interviewer is notified that her body had been found in a public trash can. The reaction of the boy being interviewed will stick with me forever. You could see the blood drain out of his face and a look of absolute fear appear. He was speechless. Then started asking about whether they had any leads or knew who it was.
He was arrested that same day. The way he’d gotten into her high rise apartment through a window was terrifying.
2 years ago
“Roses are red, Silent like mouses, your door is unlocked, I’m inside your home”.
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