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1,398 Views • Jun 28, 2023 • Click to toggle off description
emote vs with pn rose🌋 #shorts #free_fire #pn harsh
Done right, YouTube descriptions can boost SEO, subscriptions, view counts, and watch time. They can also help your videos rank in YouTube.
Great YouTube marketing starts with great YouTube descriptions. There are two types of descriptions that every marketer needs to know:

A YouTube channel description is the text on your channel’s “About” page. It helps viewers understand what to expect from your brand.
A YouTube video description is the text below each of your videos. It helps viewers find your content and decide whether to watch it.
Done right, YouTube descriptions can boost SEO, subscriptions, view counts, and watch time. They can also help your videos rank in YouTube’s “suggested search” function.
20 tips for writing effective YouTube descriptions
1. Use specific keywords
Choose 1-2 keywords that accurately describe your content to maximize search traffic to your video. Include them in your video’s description and title to increase its chances of ranking in potential viewers’ search results.

The same goes for your channel description. YouTube’s algorithm places a lot of importance on the keywords in your About page. Use them wisely.
Not sure what keywords to use? Tools like Google Ads Keyword Planner and Google Trends can help you get started.
Simply type in the words that best describe what your channel or video is about and Google will suggest the closest related keywords.

2. Repeat your keywords
Repetition lets YouTube know a particular term is relevant to your video or channel. Use your keyword two to three times for best results. Anymore than three, and it may get flagged as keyword stuffing.

3. Find complementary keywords
Include related keywords in your descriptions. This provides viewers with extra information about your content. It also helps you rank for those terms in Google and YouTube searches.

4. Tell viewers what to expect
If you misrepresent your videos, viewers will stop watching them partway through. This will damage your search rankings—as well as your reputation.
Avoid clickbait titles and irrelevant keywords. They might help you rank at first, but YouTube’s search algorithm will catch on sooner or later.

5. Write like a human
Know your audience! Use language that your viewers will understand and relate to. Incorporate keywords in a natural way, not as a list.

Luckily, you don’t have to be a wordsmith to write a great YouTube description. There are lots of writing resources to help you polish your skills.

Always start with a compelling summary of your video or channel. Mention your top keywords in the first two to three sentences of your description for best results.

Why? For one, YouTube’s algorithm prioritizes the beginning of your description. Getting the first sentences right is key for your SEO.

These sentences are also the first thing viewers see when they search for content:
Finally, the beginning is the only part of your description that appears “above the fold” on the watch page. The rest of the text remains hidden unless someone chooses to “show more”:

7. Add links and metadata below the fold
If a viewer does decide to “show more,” chances are they love your stuff.
Use this opportunity to promote your brand. Add a brief channel description, your social media handles, and relevant product links.
You can also include metadata here to boost your SEO.

8. Optimize for CTR (click-through-rate)
Aim for clickable descriptions that solve real problems. Seventy percent of millennial YouTubers use videos to learn new things. Keep this in mind whenever you write copy.

9. Offer value
Always include an obvious value proposition in your descriptions. Why should someone subscribe to your channel? How will your video benefit them?

Try to answer at least one of these questions in simple terms (bonus if you can do both).

10. Include CTAs
Now you’ve got the viewer’s attention, use it!
The best calls-to-action are clear, urgent, and show an obvious benefit to the viewer. Done well, they can increase engagement, subscriptions, and more.

Add a call-to-action in both your video and channel description. Encourage viewers to like, comment, subscribe, or read more. Include links to related playlists to get them watching even more of your content.
Notice how we’ve incorporated CTAs into our channel description? Hootsuite Plans and Hootsuite Academy both get some love!

YouTube Analytics is the most effective way to do this. It can help you understand whi
Metadata And Engagement

Views : 1,398
Genre: Gaming
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Jun 28, 2023 ^^

warning: returnyoutubedislikes may not be accurate, this is just an estiment ehe :3
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RYD date created : 2023-12-07T10:49:33.91849Z
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Nyo connections found on the description ;_; report an issue lol


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