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ROE V. WADE JUST OVERTURNED!!!!!! The Power goes back to the People!
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333 Views • Jun 24, 2022 • Click to toggle off description
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Views : 333
Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Jun 24, 2022 ^^

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User score: 100.00- Masterpiece Video

RYD date created : 2022-06-25T02:05:45.737688Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3


1 year ago

It is amazing I was born in 72. Very thankful for the opportunity I've been given. Every day is a blessing.



2 years ago

God is so good. This was prophesied years ago. The prayers of the church have been answered!! Praying for legislators in every state to choose life in the days to come! We rejoice that lives will be saved!! 👶👶



2 years ago

What I also don't understand tho is why no one talking about New York's Conceal Carry being overturned



2 years ago

Yours is an interesting take that I haven’t heard before: most people mention Roe v Wade and then talk about their opinion on abortion, but you talk about your opinion on State’s Rights. I agree, the state’s should be allowed to make more decisions, and this may very well be the first step in that. The only thing left is to wait for the future. Have a great day!

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2 years ago

I'm not trying to be rude or impolite, I genuinely want to know what makes abortion wrong.
I want to learn your point of view

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2 years ago

Kk, you know what I shall be watching for is when people go on a ranting and raving fit because it was overturned. If you have been paying attention to how people react to things, it always starts out with a bunch of people talking/argueing over something like this, then after they get what they want, after a few years at best, something comes up that makes this a bad thing to have happened, and the same people advocating for it do a 180 on thier opinions about it. So far it has happened with the BLM movement, with Trump being in office... do not worry though, the transgender thing has been going this route and is about to face this 180 turn itself first, then you all celebrating this shall be up in the batters box, so to speak. Can not wait to watch this crumble and fall. So far it has happened to every movement that is based on stuff that is like this. This will make the rounds, be talked about every day in some fashion or other, then, we shall see something come up that puts all these "celebrations" to a halt and all these people who fought for it will start talking about how this being overturned was a bad thing. If you do not believe me, just watch. I will be the one to be able to say, "See? Just as I said would happen."



2 years ago

The fact that you people are celebrating women not having a safer means of abortion and not realizing how this one event can cause a domino effect to other laws being unnecessarily overturned… time to “do not recommend” this channel.

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2 years ago

Your happy about this why? Do you think about all of the health problems this could cause? You have a uterus I don’t see how you don’t understand that this is not a good thing, even if you claim it goes against the Bible it doesn’t. Your value over a fetus is stupid because they’re not separated from the mother yet and therefore not alive. There is no reason to be happy about this, I am so sorry that this is the opinion that you have and that you have to have such a horrid opinion to feel good about yourself.

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2 years ago

So what if the state choose to allow abortion? Will that be better for you? Maybe instead of stamping on somebody else rights you should try to focus on your own.

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2 years ago

Praise be to God!!! AND ON THE FEAST DAY OF THE SACRED HEART!!! This is proof that evil can only triumph if good men/women do nothing!!! May all who have fought so hard to have this ruling overturned be showered with Gods Blessings!🙏🏻

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