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Uploaded At Jun 12, 2024 ^^
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RYD date created : 2024-08-26T18:51:00.490365Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Father what would you say to the arguement that the factionalism rooted in different interpretations of the nature of Jesus leads to a weakened Christianity in the face of both Satan and our worldly foes?
I mean I am orthodox and I understand, but to chastise others from a fundamentalist perspective leads to infighting among those who love Christ?
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Ecumenists use the argument: “But Christ Himself prayed for unity” yes unity in His church. Saying there is full truth in all religions is like saying that wine heavily diluted by water is still wine. The essence of it has been corroded and people are mislead. There is only one church the Holy Apostolic and Catholic Orthodox church.
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5 months ago
One church, one bride. God bless.
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