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Uploaded At Apr 5, 2024 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Too many park rangers from all national parks have tales about not just Bigfoot or dogmen but feral sort of humans. Things that live in caves that are way off the path and the general public knows nothing about. In fact around the Appalachian Trail that goes for 2000 miles, theres a hundred miles in the mountains and woods that is completely sectioned off by the government due to these feral sort of humans. Those people own all that land still to this day and anyone that goes into their territory comes up missing. Take a look at all the folks that go missing in national parks every year and are never found. Park rangers have told tales about finding these supposed feral people that were living like cockroaches inside of caves and moved around on all fours like animals with sharp teeth and long fingernails and animal skins and they smell like rotting flesh and are filthy and are totally cannibalistic and have alters where they sacrifice humans and keep their skulls in a pit as trophies. Theres way more of these people than they could ever count. Research what happened to that journalist in 1999 that went missing and the national guard was called in ... Real terrifying story. And very true.
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I've lived mostly between Tennessee and Georgia since I was born in 1985, and neither place was associated with bigfoot at all until this recent internet craze.
When I was a kid in the 90's, bigfoot was still mostly restricted to the Pacific Northwest.
Now I see people on YouTube who claim to see bigfoot in the UK!!! 😂
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7 feet tall and glowing eyes? That was definitely a Sasquatch or at least a halfbreed. I believe that there are actually feral people out there but not that size and not that many. Remember that they must contend with real monsters out there for resources and territory therefore they must be cunning and fearless individuals to survive.
9 months ago
I saw a video on YouTube about loggers who encountered these beasts,said they actually had tribal wars with bigfoot tribes over territory. This logger said they are actually intelligent enough to let you know not to bother them and they actually can communicate through telepathy ,the logger said the government knows about them and makes the logging companies sign papers to not speak about them because they are a natural part of the land and are protected,just like Sasquatch. The story blew my mind and I never heard anything about it again,until this short. I thought it was bull but now hearing this I'm not sure,the part about the red eyes always stuck with me though,the logger said they looked like a cross between Sasquatch and a man ,I guess the size of a squatch but not as hairy and the war with the Sasquatch over territory,the logger said they witnessed a few battles and it was the most frightening thing he ever saw. I wish I remember the channel this story was on because now I think he was telling the truth.
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