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ttm beats utcm with neg difficulty
utcm has nothing capable of injuring uttm as the blaster who couldn't f0ck up fake gman's head but only broke the headphones, and talkin about gman fake utcm barely held his head wich uttm survived a 2000 kmh ram from oblitirator, keep in mind that oblitirator is about 55 meters tall according to spider
the hammer is also an overrated weapon wich is incapable of breaking any weapon to uttm as gman in ep 57 surived the hammer blow, and utcm used his full body power to knock out gman, and gman and individual wich was weak until episode 71 came, the hammer also cannot do anything to injure the head of fake gman, but it was atleast destructobal enough to break all the weapons
the shoulder canons are also very indestrutobal used weapons, as they couldn't do a single injury to gman in ep 57 before using the core, and those canons couldn't do a thing t 6th bussaw toilet in ep 67, and those weapons also barely broke small 70 foot buildings in ep 51-52
utcm is also a individual with its best feat being in ep 57, wich he is the reason utsm is uninfected wich he got help for it, and he also destroyed gman wich is a easy target as gman only had 6 terrible lasers wich when he used for on cinemaman's tv they did nothing and when he used 6 lasers on utcm's back they did kinda do something but not any injury or fire, and i'd also hate to accpet but utcm in ep 73 did better than uttm but i could give 2 reasons why uttm might've not have done anything to gman in ep 73
1.uttm didn't get the chance to do anything to gman due to plot armour gman had, and utcm had more time injuring gman, cus as i said gman had the biggest plot armour
2.uttm was nerfed and boom made the titans attack gman 1on1 so gman wouldn't be killed for the future episodes and plots as gman is the most important character for now
now uttm's turn
uttm is a individual so powerful that he had to get every weapon nerfed in ep 77
he has a blade wich is a blade from transformers, and its best feat being season 24 secret scene, with just one blow, he broke the shield of gman, keep in mind that the gman shield is bigger, much more durable and better than the utcm one even if its a copy or not
so imagine uttm used the same blow on utcm's shield, that'll get utcm injured an the shield disabled
the claws, claws are some great and useful weapons, as they are short ranged weapons, and its still useful even if its not mid or long ranged weapons, with his best feat being is killing the vacumm toilet and grabbing the defense of gman
points: the claws could be useful for grabbing the lenses, and uttm using the tvs hipnosise to finish off utcm
or he can grab off the head of utcm wich utcm without a head cannot survive cus why did scientist aim for utcm's head, its his weakness so thats why
tvs, tvs are useful and indeed most used abilities by tv men, the best feat of the tvs are on ep 67 when he burned the scientist head, utcm's most powerful power wich is the core barely burned gman's head wich means
tvs>core of utcm
uttm's core, uttm has a core so powerful that its long ranged, mid ranged and short ranged, with its best feats
short ranged best feat: burned throught the head of scientist in just 3 sec wich utcm's core burned through the head of gman fake head and it took 6 seconds or smth
mid ranged best feat: it charged up utsm power and energy wich indicates good, and it led to 29 toilets being killed with less than a minute
long ranged best feat: broke the defense of gman in ep 73 wich uttm barely uses the core for long ranged
now stat time
striking strenght-uttm
lifting strenght-utcm
combat strenght-uttm
brute force strenght-uttm
uttm wins no-difficulty or neg difficult
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nvm i have a new and way better cook here
uttm solos utcm no-difficulty
utcm is incapable of doing anything to uttm such as the hammer wich is a overrated weapon and overused by utcm fans saying utcm beats uttm, no it does not do much damage as the best feats of it being
1. when in episode 57 after he used his core he used the hammer with full force and knocked down gman, wich after gman came back after the hit we saw that 2 of his lasers were missing, his lasers missing and his defense very broken wich is powerful, but not enough to one shot uttm
2. in episode 65 utcm used his hammer with force against fake gman wich resulted in all 4 of his lasers got knocked off, all his defense shield also broken off and his jetpack also chopped off wich is powerful, as it took 3 hits to do that damage
but here is the reason that hammer isn't so useful against uttm
-uttm as we know also has a holo shield wich the shield survived the juggy punches wich those arms were as big as utsm as it looked like so, and uttm has withstanded more horrendues stuff more than the hammr, and if the hammer smh hits uttm uttm will get injured but not as injured as fake gman and gman real when they tasted the hammer
as uttm's durability is 3 times better than the fake gman and real gman
and uttm is also imune to fire too, and is resistance to his weaknesses
and uttm's blade just outscales the hammer utcm has
the hammer also didn't kill the cutter toilet with the blow, even tho the hammer didn't hit the toilet, the hammer was able to hit the head wich shows the hammer is only good when it comes to use it with slams not directly at the head
wich i doubt uttm can slam uttm to the ground with the hammer lol
now its uttm's turn with the blade
-the blade
the blade is and overpowered weapon, wich is from the transformers movie, that gives us a peak of the blade's power as the blade's best feats of the blade incoming
1. when uttm used the blade in season 24, with just one strike, one blow, he was able to disable gman's shield for some time, wich is just overpowered as we know, the gman shield is another copy shield of utcm but bigger and more durable wich if we use common sense, if uttm did that blow to utcm's shield than not only would the shield be broken, but it will also injure utcm, wich proves uttm's blade scales above 2-3 acid bombs from ep 65
2. when uttm used the blade in ep 67, he cut off the legs of scientist mech, the claw hands of scientist wich the saw couldn't even cut through, he also cut the speakers and TVs off scientist wich is powerful, and also cut through the head of mech scientist wich the saw of utcm couldn't do so
so uttm's blade just outscales saws and hammers easily so, assumption based
assumption based: uttm will use the core to distract utcm wich utcm would open the shield, that'll distract him so uttm will teleport his blade behind the head of utcm and sneakly cut it off wich will make this death even worser for not seeing it coming. this is just assumptions these might not be true, maybe utcm will dodge the blade, if he was somehow smart about it...
and now, were gonna be talking about one of their weakest weapons yet
utcm's canon shoulders
utcm's shoulder canons are very weak as they barely break 50 foot buildings as shown in episode 52-53 when we first saw the disabler infection tank, wich wasn't that useful
and now the best feats of the shoulder canons are
1. when in ep 52-53 when the first appearance of the disabler tank made its first appearance in he ep, we also saw utcm using his shoulder canons for the first time, and those canons made like 60 foot large explosions wich is very weak as the head of uttm has lasers and the lasers made better damage
2. when utcm used the canons in ep 57 against gman, it dealt no damage to gman wich showes that the shoulder canons take to shoot 4 times to even break the screen of cinemaman wich the cinemaman head is outdated af, another feat of it is when utcm tried using the shoulder canons to distract fake gman wich failed miserably + dealt no damage the head, shows that its a useles weapon lmao
and assumption based is those mini guns won't do anything to uttm so yea, shoulder canons don't count as powerful stuff
now lets talk about the main TVs head lasers about uttm
the lasers are so powerful that they scale above 2 gman laser eyes, as there is a proof on why
the only feat uttm's lasers had/have is in ep 68 when he used it against the 11 lasered gman wich when he used it against the 11 lasered gman it made some explosions and made the gman scream loud wich shows that those lasers scale above gman 1.0 laser eyes as the laser eyes couldn't break the bridge in ep 8-9 wich shows tv men laser tech is way better than the skibidi toilet ones, crazy
and those lasers are good for utcm's head wich i do not think will damage the head much, but will def do some damage
now about the hand canon of utcm
the hand canon is useless asf when it comes to using it against uttm and why? well here lemme provide some proofs on the canon...
1. the best feat of the canon hand was when he used it in ep 65 wich when he shoot it against fake gman, fake gman didn't flinch only the headphones broke and those were some normal giant headphones, so nothing special about it and idk how you even call it a feat, as the canon is only half a time better than utsm's blaster
2. when utcm used the hand canon in ep 50 the hand canon gun couldn't even damage a 250 foot building wich is weak cus normaly blasters break through buildings but sometimes kibidi toilet breaks laws of physics, another feat is when he used the canon hand against the rocketeer astro toilet in ep 50 it did not injure the astro whatsoever wich shows that the hand canon gun is weak and shouldn't be called a feat but put that up to show how weak the hand canon is
wich shows one thing that the hand canon gun will be too useless and could just scratch uttm, not even a scratch, nothing will happen to uttm with the blaster so end of the hand cann gun
now uttm's claws
uttm's claws are also kinda useless but defenitely some useful against utcm, as the best feats of it being are, old claws also count as the claws are the sam only the claws got Abit of energy
1. when uttm used the claws in ep 46, he finished the vaccum toilet with just a punch and a claws use, and that is somewhat of a feat of the claws, not useful enough against utcm, but lets do assumption before the second feat of it
-uttm can use the claws and aim for the lenses, as uttm can grab the lenses of utcm so after he could use the hipnosise to finish of utcm with this one, or the claws could aim for the whole head wich will break it off utcm's body, these assumptions could def turn out to be true as it makes sense alot
2. another weak feat of the claws is when in ep 73 he used the claws to aim for the head of gman, but ended up hitting the defense of gman and break it off, with means that the claws can grab weapons too, so these weapons are kinda useful as i doubted it would be
and now finally, main power of these characters, the core, the key to their existance and stamina, the key to the energy they have, final round it is right now
utcm's core is first, we might use some assumption
now the best feats of the core utcm has
1. when utcm used the core in ep 65, or the best feat of the core, the core burned through the head of fake gman in just 6-7 seconds wich is a powerful feat, it already plces the core in 2nd place after uttm, and the core is a flame core and blue core, and blue fire is the most intimidating fire ever on earth as its 2.5k-2.7k degrees farenhite wich is super hot and immediatly burns through the skin of humans, already a feat by itself
2. when utcm used the core in episode 57 against jimmy 3.0, it burned jimmy 3.0 so much it resulted into his face burned, cracked and his glasses broken off (i think the glasses were broken by the hammer knock idk) wich is a feat so good, already top 10 feat of utcm
and the core is gonna be very useful against, uttm, only if utcm gets close to uttm, wich i doubt he will, cus sadly but lightly the core is only a closed ranged power used so its a bad thing for utcm
now uttm's turn
uttm has a core very powerful, its a powerful laser core wich outscales utcm's ore by alot as here i'll show you why in seconds here
1. when uttm used the core in ep 67 part 3, he showed a uncomparable feat with the core, wich the core burned through the head of scientist mech in just 3 seconds, and the back of the head was also burned badly, and that is a better feat than utcm when he used it against fake gman as the mech scientist head is bigger and more durable than the fake gman head, and that automatically makes uttm's core way better, and oh the purple fire is known to be 3k+ degrees farenhite wich is hotter than blue fire, so thats a feat that makes uttm's core better
2. the second best feat of uttm's core is when in ep 77 he used the core against the impactor wich already burned through the head of the impactor within seconds, wich as we know the head of astros are more durable than the head of normal earth skibidi toilet.
point: now before you say the core of uttm is weaker beacuse blue fire is the best fire ever, according to google blue fire is 2.5k-2.7k degrees farenhite but uttm's core wich is purple, means that purple fire is 3k+ degrees farenhite according to google
end of disscusion.
7 months ago
W 🔥
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