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Part 2 - Golden rules for solving a Coding problem in an interview #coding #interview
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1,022 Views β€’ Jun 21, 2023 β€’ Click to toggle off description
Part 2 - Golden rules for solving a Coding problem in an interview #coding #interview
πŸ‘‰ If the coding problem is around a Singly Linked List, and you are stuck in traversals logic, then try to use either Two Pointers or Slow/Fast Pointers.

πŸ‘‰ If the coding problem has a recursive solution but it's hard to visualize/code, try using a Stack data structure with a loop.

πŸ‘‰ If the coding problem revolves around iterating an array, and takes O(N2) time complexity, O(1) space complexity than try to use a HashMap/HashSet. It makes the algorithm faster with O(N) time complexity but takes more space with O(N) space complexity.

πŸ‘‰ If the coding problem has input in the form of a Graph like connections, links etc, then most of the time it can be solved by applying Graph traversals algorithms like Breadth First Search (BFS) and Depth First Search (DFS).

πŸ‘‰ If the coding problem requires optimization around the recursive the solution, there could be a possibility that dynamic programming can be used.

πŸ‘‰ If the coding problem has a group of strings or some manipulation/find/storing needs to be done around the substring, there is a high possibility that either Tries or HashMap can be
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Views : 1,022
Genre: Howto & Style
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Jun 21, 2023 ^^

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RYD date created : 2024-02-20T18:48:47.463064Z
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1 year ago

I was actually going thru this yesterday

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