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Genre: Sports
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At May 6, 2024 ^^
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RYD date created : 2024-05-08T05:23:30.288753Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
For the Marmol "Apologist" I have one question. On Saturday we lost by one run. You can blame CB Buckner but he didn't O'Lay a ball at second costing his team a run. And please explain to me why in a tied game Marmol brought in Helsley in the eighth inning? Marmol could have brought him back in the ninth because he didn't throw but a few pitches.....But he didn't. I watch all the Podcasts and shows except for Brenda Schafer ( He likes to delete comments he doesn't agree with) and Ballys because Comcast stopped carrying them. I haven't heard one person question Marmol on Gorman's error allowing a run when you lose by one or why Helsley was brought in the 8th instead of the 9th? I don't get the love for this guy as a Manager? Why? Anyone that knows baseball or pays attention can see this guy and his coaching staff are not motivators or leaders at this level. If they was this team would have good fundamentals. And it doesn't. Have you ever seen a player in the Majors run bases as bad as Contreras? They are wasting two Gold Glove corners and a 87.5 million dollar catcher that only catches part time to allow another catcher to play that teams run wild on because he doesn't have a arm. Thanks again Lolly. If someone can explain this too me with any reason I'm all ears.
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Wu tang 4ever !! Luv it but o your so right bud it's a bit of a struggler-were n deep doo doo yikes 😬!! It dnt sound lik edman wil b here for much of the season we could use sum of his offense carp is getting closer although he wil get fermins spot but as we all no we ain't got enuff dang it I'm praying 4a miracle and some accusitions at the trade deadline to contend fir a wild card spot I'd b hppy with that even at this point I wish the team good luck on a turn around go cardinals ❤
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8 months ago
Agree. Fire the whole coaching staff and GM.
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