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Views : 438,520
Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Jan 5, 2025 ^^
warning: returnyoutubedislikes may not be accurate, this is just an estiment ehe :3
Rating : 4.979 (392/76,081 LTDR)
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User score: 99.23- Masterpiece Video
RYD date created : 2025-01-23T01:21:04.604773Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Please, if this happens to someone with a friend, just leave as quickly as possible, these types of situations are very toxic, the same thing happened with a friend like that with whom I no longer felt good and he just made me feel bad every time I wanted to leave, it was horrible, it only ended up hurting me more. (sorry if i had bad english)
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Hey, I’m not sure who’s going to read this, but if you relate to this video , then please continue (I hope the creator is joking about a past habit and that this isn’t something they’ve done recently, but I’ve seen a lot of comments seriously talking about using this habit) I know this is done out of desperate loneliness because for whatever reason, you genuinely don’t know how to form meaningful relationships (it might be because of social anxiety or maybe it’s partly because of some toxic, albeit not intentionally malicious, habits). But I promise you , that friendship is not worth saving in the long run. It WILL fizzle out eventually, one way or another, you are merely delaying the inevitable and you are wasting both their time and your own time. It’s best to simply move on and reflect ( not in a way that involves self-hatred) and see how both your own actions and the actions of the friend led to the friendship dissolving in order to learn from your mistakes and keep them in mind in your next friendship, which I promise will be more fulfilling than your current failing friendship. It will feel lonely, it will hurt a lot, but it must be done, as failing to let go will only stop you from growing. I had a friendship like this. Ironically, I had tried ending it a couple years afterwards, but didn’t have the strength to not go back. I remember feeling like I couldn’t possibly be able to make another friend, but I ended up forming friendships later on, ones that were far more rewarding than I could have ever imagined. Though the only way this happened was by eventually moving on and also learning how my habits of holding in resentment and lack of communication had inhibited my previous friendships.
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2 weeks ago
I finally did some chores today! Hooray 😭... School feels like a jumpscare lma
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