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Uploaded At Apr 11, 2024 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
The people not understanding the point and therefore disregarding what it tries to say baffle me. It's a clear example that infinite does not mean that it contains all possible combinations, but that it's a neverending defined set (sorry if i dont use the correct terminology , im not mathematician nor i speak english on my daily life) in the case of pi we dont know if its set definition allows for all combinations to be contained in it or not, we don't have proof nor a way to prove it right now . Be free to tell me if I made a mistake in anything i said or if i missed any important detail
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That first part is true, in theory pi might not be normal. Meaning you may not be able to find any string. But I never heard anyone claim this. It is well known that it might not be true. So far it has been shown that odds of finding any string of 2- 11 digits is fairly close to what is perdicted for a truly randiom sequence up to 200 million digits of pi. And pi appears to have no pattern. It never reoeats, but might be "normal". There are numbers that do not look random (like pi), but are proven normal, like concatenating counting numbers 0.1234567891011121314...
It is nornal, and every possible finite string of digits are contained by definition. Point is, it is not something claimed, rather it is known that it may not be true.
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In very basic terms, a number with the property described at the start has a name. It is called a Normal number. Its more indepth, but its an easy way to understand it.
Pi is not classified as Normal. We as humanity can not classify Pi, e, root 2 or any other non-constructed-for-purpose numbers as normal since we have no way of proving any given number is Normal, outside of very niche cases.
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Hey I'm new to your channel, but I love the simplicity! So this might be a dumb question but
What if we used a base 12 system. ( Greek)
Instead of a base 10 system ( Arabic)
I think the extra divisible options,would help with the system of quantum computing .
It would more directly translate to a trinary 3 system instead of binary.
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8 months ago
For anyone curious, a number with this property would be called "Normal". Statistical analysis suggests pi is "normal," but of course that doesn't prove it.
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