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653,850 Views • May 14, 2024 • Click to toggle off description
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Views : 653,850
Genre: Comedy
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At May 14, 2024 ^^

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Top Comments of this video!! :3


7 months ago

She learned that it's very important not to mistake super strength for invulnerability.

11K |


7 months ago

The sad, regretful "no" made me laugh out loud

2.7K |


7 months ago

Nicole for super strength made my day 😂

7K |


7 months ago

Underrated: shapeshifting (if you could turn into ANYTHING). You can fly, turn into anything small/big. Best of all super powers

2.6K |


7 months ago

I agree though, super strength doesnt imply bulletproofness, thats another superpower all together

1.3K |


7 months ago

As someone who’s thought wayyyy too long about superpowers to an almost comical extent, one of my favorite quotes that I think about comes from Clayface in the old Young Justice cartoon: “even Kryptonians have to breathe.” It may not even be true, but it’s the sentiment of it; a lot of the weaknesses of superpowers can be attributed to basic human weaknesses. Things like suffocation, heat stroke, hunger, fatigue, sleeplessness, thirst, inattention, etc. can all really wreak havoc on superpowers. We see this a lot. In Avatar, Azula messes with the gang by preventing them from sleeping, Spider-Man beats the Rhino in the cartoon by making him pass out from heatstroke, Batman in Batman Beyond almost drowns like, 3 times, Speedsters often get snuck up on or are forced to fight in disadvantageous terrain, like with Mirror Master and Captain Cold.

I think about the quote a lot when I’m faced with a tough life decision or a stressful situation. It reminds me that even seemingly insurmountable problems often have simple solutions.

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7 months ago

I’d like to put Batman’s power in; being rich. Super underrated, just pay the other hero’s to do the work for you

1.5K |


7 months ago

Gumball’s mom for super strength 💀

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7 months ago

Fun fact: Shadowcat does not have to wait until something is not overlapping to turn tangible. Neither does she need to make an entire object intangible. Kitty Pyrde can force any object to pierce another object just by overlapping them and she can also pluck out your organs.

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7 months ago

I think one of flash’s weaknesses is that he has to slow down to speak and stuff, so if you get him talking he actually stops having perfect reflexes and senses, otherwise the words are to slow for him to talk

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7 months ago

in marauders #1, kitty pryde uses her intangibility to phase solid objects into people - cutting off their veins and such. very offensively powerful

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7 months ago

“It’s not great for offense though”

Mirio: “That’s where you’re wrong!”

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7 months ago

Criminally Underated: stretchy powers. This power comes in a lot of forms, the shape-shifting of plastic man, the general rubberyness of luffy, the more technical shape control that doesn't really include full shape-shifting like mrs incredible or mr fantastic.

Not only does this power offer a lot in the way of creative superhero combat potential, but it typically comes with some level of super durability as punches and bullets bounce right off.

But the real perk of this power is how useful it would be for normal life. You never need to get up to reach the remote or turn off the light. You never need help reaching anything high, not just the top shelf, but changing lightbulbs in vaulted ceilings or cleaning the gutters. The classic parachute form and you can survive a plane crash or jump from a moving car. You'll never lock yourself out of your car, because you can squeeze your arm in through the crack in the door. You can park in places where a normal person couldn't get out of the car.

There are so many minor inconveniences you can avoid. And honestly, learning how to use the power would be a blast, and not nearly as dangerous as many of the other super powers can be.

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7 months ago

I love how you add in Nicole Watterson, cause we all know she could beat most superpowered characters.

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7 months ago

"The Rumor" in Umbrella Academy is UNDERATED. She can rumor things into creation that were not there before.

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7 months ago

The intangibly is really well shown with Mirio in MHA, it was cool how they got over the whole hit the same thing while aslo giving the debuff of *could literally die if you turn it off wrong.

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7 months ago

Intangibility as an offensive weapon was put very clearly to me on a Tumblr post
"I can literally rip out your lungs whenever I want"

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7 months ago

Any power that manipulates time, especially stopping time. Like it's basically the same argument as speedsters, but on crack.

Like, you could in theory predict the flash to hit him. Not easy but possible.

But if someone just stops time, what can you do? No matter how fast you are, you're frozen. You could stop time and just casually stroll up to the flash and snip his Achilles tendon, and there's nothing he could do about it.

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7 months ago

I appreciate the attempt to point out that super strength doesn't always mean invulnerability. Those are two different powersets that are always just lumped together. I had a campaign with a character that high strength but wore armor because she was NOT invulnerable.

When asked about it from another character during a quest she just said "How would flexing a muscle really hard stop an arrow?" I appreciated that the DM allowed it.

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7 months ago

For speedsters, the main reason they can be beaten is that their brains also move at superspeed, meaning they easily get bored resulting in them missing details. For intangibility... At least for Mirio, it is the fact that nothing can touch him, including air, meaning he loses the ability to breathe while using his power to become completely intangible.

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