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Views : 15,233
Genre: Sports
Uploaded At Nov 25, 2024 ^^
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User score: 98.38- Masterpiece Video
RYD date created : 2024-11-26T18:21:29.862652Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
I wouldn't say Aiyuk was a success. He had one good season and didn't deserve a bag like he was gifted. Should have traded him to the Browns for Cooper. And should have traded Williams as soon as he started his hold out. Trade him for a 3rd round pick the second day of his hold out. That would have sent a strong message. Gave all these old dudes raises for losing the Superbowl. Amateur hour.
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When he had DeMeco And Robert as alpha defensive coordinators, Kyle was able to do his thing. Kyle is not a Head Coach. The vibe he brings is like a high school football team. Aiyuk showing up to practice with the wrong shorts, Debo calling the coach “Kyle” .. not knowing how to be a killer in the Super Bowl so he lets the killer kill him in Patrick Mahomes. The bottom line is this.. can Kyle win a Super Bowl as a head coach .. No!
John Lynch find us one that gives us that chance. I said John not Trent Balke.
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You paid way too much for Hargrave, you paid way too much for Brandon, you gave away too much to Trent Williams, and way too much of a shit load of other people…
And then the people who need to keep give them away Jimmie Ward, Buckner, Armstead, Mostert, I’ll even say Mike McGlinchy… people want Colton
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5 days ago
You know it's real when Krueg turns on Kyle finally!
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