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Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Sep 27, 2024 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
There’s this one tumblr story about some archaeologists found a bit of bone on a dig, one clearly shaped by human hands into a tool, but couldn’t figure out what it was used for. Eventually they showed it to a local craftsperson who took one look at it and said “Yeah, it’s a burnisher. I still use one just like it for my leatherwork all the time. Metal scrapes the leather, glass and porcelain are too fragile, plastic kinda works, but it wears out way faster than bone. Mine looks exactly like that millennia old version.”
So I guess that.
787 |
Axe. You can go back in time to pretty much any point in civilized Humanity and they'll know what it is and what it's for. Albeit, they'll likely think you're rich since the whole head is made out of solid iron and sometimes even painted in special pigment made specifically for metal that's scratch resistant. Bring a fireman's axe to ancient Greece and show them how it's both an axe and has a horn that's pretty much there to destroy shit
88 |
String, Its Incredible, If we Hadn't Invented String We Wouldn't have Invenged Boats, And also Its used For Basically Everything, Without String we couldn't Make wool clothes, and also Shoes, chairs, and Rope, And Basically Everything woven Made of anything Other than Animal Leather, But you Couldn't Stich it together Because it uses String
105 |
3 months ago
Hammers, literally just hard thing on a stick. Caveman tier item whose only "upgrades" have been the material its made out of and what the hard thing looks like. Absolutely goated invention.
1.8K |