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License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Nov 1, 2023 ^^
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RYD date created : 2024-07-11T16:23:56.228203Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
How can you call a Mary Sue someone who is a tragic hero driven by selfloath?
Through entire prequel trilogy the only people Anakin had good relation with are: Padme(whom he murders), Palpatine (who manipulates him), Qui-Gon, his mother(and her death had driven him to genocide), and maybe Obi-Wan but only in episode 3... for half of the movie. It is far different from description of Mary Sue who suppose to be beloved by everyone.
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Yeah, just ignore him dodging Darth Maul when they were escaping Tatooine and winning both a race and an entire spaceship battle in Phantom Menace by himself without any training so far, holding a fight alone against Dooku who had many more years of training than him and beat Obi Wan (Not to mention when it was 2v1 they were losing and when he was alone he beat him easier in RotS), also keeping up with Obi Wan who also have way more training than him, and just ignore every asspull he does in the Clone Wars.
Just to be clear, not defending Rey, both the Prequels and the Sequels are equally garbage and both Anakin and Rey are equally bad written characters (i hate Anakin a little more because he ruin the image we all had about Vader in his jedi days, but that may not be an objective argument)
Lets compare dooku years of training vs Anakin? Lets us complete ignore Anakin fying to space and pretty much single hand wins the batte in episode one, aslo never being able to finish pod race to winning it? I don't think he is "mary sue" but if we want to hand pick things you could make same video for rey,
1 year ago
entire comment section filled with peabrains. Watch the original video. He's comparing anakin and luke's progression through their force abilities to that of Rey, to show how ridiculously fast her acquisition of force abilities truly is.
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