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Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Nov 2, 2024 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
While I still own and occasionally play 4 string basses, my main bass that I use for most of my playing has been a 5 string since the late 1980's. Starting in 1982, It took me years to find an affordable bass with a good B string. I have no plans to make a 4 string my main bass. At this point I wouldn't know where to park my thumb.
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I started on a five string, and I still play fives for the most part. However, when I think of a bass, it's still the four string. It's iconic, and you couldn't throw a stone in the 90s in the alternative/post grunge scene (where I spent my adolescence) without bouncing it off a four string bass.
So many amazing basslines and amazing riffs were written for fours, I feel like that's home despite how I learned, so I can definitely understand the vibe here
All free game man. The more or less options the more interesting the music. I am personally attracted to the obscure weird and foreword ,backward and sideways momentum of creativity. I like to hear an instrument I don’t have and try to make those noises on what I have. Keeps the juices fresh. Not sure if that clearly gives you my perspective or answers the question. The answer may be different if I was gigging cover tunes that needed exact transcription and performance requirements.
All my bass hero growing up played 4 strings and to this day they still do I’m talking about Stanley,Bootsy, Louis Johnson, Verdine White, Bernard Edward’s, and the late great James Jameson so i will always have a couple of four strings and my collection just based on that but the five strings are what’s happening right now.
2 months ago
the 4 always gonna be there no matter how many strings 😂😂
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