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Views : 97
Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Jul 30, 2024 ^^
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User score: 100.00- Masterpiece Video
RYD date created : 2024-07-30T21:41:51.267028Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Unrelated mini rant (i mean, technically it is related lol) but i totally understand why women seek (and should seek) stability and consistency from their male partner and how that takes form in marriage -- i'm just a lil scared for the fact that americans are currently living in a time where a certain political party is promising to make no-fault divorce illegal again💀 (this would happen in every country that turns conservative tbh, not just usa!) Hell, even in my country, where no-fault divorce is perfectly legal, women still struggle to actually go through divorce when their previously-decent husband turns into a piece of shit, because bureaucracy is painfully slow, complicated and easily exploited by husbands to their favor
i feel like the main risk with marriage comes from the fact that it can be controlled by the state through law, since marriage exists within a patriarchal system of law, and this probably scares some women away from marriage :/ perhaps, if marriage were made to be a contract between two individuals without involvement of the state, which is a very powerful legal entity, it'd serve its purpose without trapping women
(i recognize the video is of joking/unserious nature btw!! not calling you or anyone out lol the topic of the video just got me Pondering
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5 months ago
I have been in a relationship and living with this man for 8 years, and he has the audacity to call himself my husband.
"We don't need a ring to make it official." In the same breath, "why don't you cook for me..." I will cook for my husband
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