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Views : 4,724
Genre: Entertainment
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Aug 28, 2023 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Gojo beats Poseidon because Poseidon is far too arrogant and thus will not go all out since Gojo is an humam, and since Poseidon will be just standing there, all Gojo needs is one domain expansion and Poseidon is over, and even if him does not use domain expansion at the very start, Poseidon's arrogance will make him not use full speed and thus Gojo will be able to defend using infinity, and so him is either gonna get Poseidon by surprise with an reverse red, use purple to nuke the arena and thus leaving no room do dodge, or using domain expansion, and in all cases those are things that would kill Poseidon in one hit, meaning that Poseidon will not have any reasson to let go of his arrogance.
But even if you wanna argue with Poseidon starting just as serious as the ending of his canon fight, we know Poseidon loves to pierce the enemies chest and if it hits him won't do anything else since him thinks this would be enough... which is not the case here since after being hit and Poseidon turning his back, Gojo can just regenerate and use domain expansion to beat Poseidon.
So Poseidon has the tools to beat Gojo(being so fast him would not have time to activate infinity), but his personality traits always quarantee him will lose(him being far too arrogant and thus not using full speed from the start, and him only dealing the "necessary" blow to the chest and than turning his back, never being overkill)
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1 year ago
W collab