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Views : 4,581
Genre: News & Politics
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Jul 18, 2023 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Something I don't get is why PwC can decide what our tax laws are? Surely it would be dead easy to get the laws written by lawyers and academics, and the courts decide on their interpretation? Why does the ATO not take something like this to court (yeah, I sort of know... the ATO just want the occasional high profile case against a celebrity...).
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In a regular business this would show as $9.2b in sales. But that doesn’t mean they’d pay tax on that. They’d have operating costs of $6.6b (basically what they pay out to drivers) leading to earnings of $2.6b). From that deduct overheads and you get a profit. But of course then out of that profit Uber pays a fee to Uber CountryX LLC, a fee for using the Uber platform (that Uber CountryX owns) and wallah no profit at all for Uber Australia and therefore no tax.
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1 year ago
Bloody disgrace. Where is good government? Thanks Michael
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