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Views : 375
Genre: Entertainment
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Mar 30, 2024 ^^
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RYD date created : 2024-03-30T17:24:48.802379Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
People who do not understand how difficult it is for a business to strive in nigeria will want to pull a business down. Someone needs to be taught a lesson. Social media has rules. If your father is an entrepreneur or you have family who run businesses with their sweat, you will never want to destroy them in the name of “human right”. Hope she gets the desired punishment.
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Serves her right, people should learn how to comment/talk about people's products and all other things inclusive. Not because you are on social media, you'll hide behind your keypads to talk down on people's things or bully people and the likes. Social media is not real life. Reality, behind the scenes and social media are very different things entirely.
Serves her right again and again.
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8 months ago
Never judge a matter after hearing from just one party. I watched 4 interviews of the CEO and concluded that Chioma gave a wrong review of the product, even though the CEO also handled the matter wrongly.
1. To say the product will or can kill nigerians, without scientific or lab tests is defamatory. Abroad, such claims are only made after lab tests.
2. Chioma was given the opportunity to retract her wrong statement after being enlightened that our NAFDAC regulation approves such a product, but she refused to.
3. Erisco CEO bullied Chioma, period!
4. Chioma's allegations caused Erisco $15m within the first week of the incident, and the CEO has stated that the folding of the company will lead to the loss of 3000 jobs. Not good for us right now.
5. The media painted a very bad image of the CEO, who is a proven patriot of Nigeria. Because he is rich doesn't make him evil
My conclusion, both parties should be disciplined.
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