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Views : 393
Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At May 4, 2024 ^^
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User score: 100.00- Masterpiece Video
RYD date created : 2024-05-08T18:12:20.269057Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Fan-battle (Keep bullying Miraculous fans):
Ladybug (Miraculous | 14 y.o | Season 5) vs Insomniac SpiderMan (Marvel's SpiderMan 1-2 | 25 y.o | 100% + No holding back)
First, Ladybug debunking:
1. "She always imagine how to use useless thing to defeat a villain" - When she gets random things she has different vision, and mask tips her how to use this thing (IQ and Battle IQ debunked)
2. All Ladybug's feats come from Tikki, however Kwami is a form of magic. Magic does not work in universes where it does not exist or its analogues are missing. Without Tikki, she is literally nothing. Checkmate, Ladybug fanboys.
Now, let's go:
Insomniac SpiderMan takes everything and wins Beyond No Diff
We're all know that it's fax, right? 😅
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6 months ago
Agility goes to Johnny Cage 😂
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