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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Way to turn an argument that contradicts your same statement and twist it to your favor.
By the same logic you just pointed out:
First: Faith is like buying a Ticket. We should only believing because we MAY get something in the end for it. There must be a reward.
Second: This doesn't enter into the logic of "if you dont believe in God, you will go to Hell". Why? Good people with good deeds go to Heaven, if the only requirement is to "believe", then most of the World's cruelest people are chilling in Heaven.
Anyways, there's no irrationality to being an Atheist just like there's no irrationality to being a Believer. Just let people be people.
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You have defined rationality - that belief in god sends you to eternal bliss and non-belief sends one to eternal misery. Your rationality has defined things based on your definition of a deity. A "black" and "white" scenario, based strictly on belief or not in YOUR god. Many people would not define that as rational thinking. Quite frankly, many of us have come across a multitude of "believers" who one might question the justice of their enjoying an eternity of bliss. But, you are welcome to your definitions and beliefs. I will stay with my own.
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Jesus, you're dumb.
There are probably more than 4,000 religions in the world. each is convinced theirs is the true God. You'd have to worship the right God, and commit no sins to have an "afterlife of bliss".
If instead you'd divert all that energy to being a good human being -- maybe if there's a God - He would take that into account, and not if some old man spilled some water on your head when you were a baby, or if they cut your foreskin when you were 8 days old.
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We don’t choose what we believe, we are either convinced by the evidence (or lack thereof) or are not. I can’t choose to believe your God exists any more than you can choose to believe Vishnu exists.
And maybe there’s a God up there who values rationality and reason, knows there’s not enough evidence to believe it exists and sends all atheists to heaven…
Why don’t you choose NOT to believe? Aren’t you afraid of this god?
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1 year ago
if this is the reason you believe in god then your not a true believer, you'd only believe because you get something out of it.
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