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Views : 3,515
Genre: Entertainment
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Nov 26, 2024 ^^
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RYD date created : 2024-11-29T01:46:05.430194Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Perhaps a more intuitive understand what it is telling us is to start from current.... Basically current is the amount of electricity flowing in a circuit. Simply put, the more pressure (volts) pushing it the more there will be and there will be less current if there is more resistance. In other words current (I) is equal to voltage divided by resistance. Mathematically it is I=V/R
From that you can get the more famous, but less intuitive, V=IR.
2 weeks ago
I was taught at school VIR WIV. I use it quite often. Just the other day my wife phoned me to ask if she can plug two heaters in at the same time 4000w/230v = 17amps on a 30 amp breaker.
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