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260 Views β€’ Nov 20, 2024 β€’ Click to toggle off description
Metadata And Engagement

Views : 260
Genre: Entertainment
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Nov 20, 2024 ^^

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Rating : 5 (0/58 LTDR)

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User score: 100.00- Masterpiece Video

RYD date created : 2024-11-21T04:52:53.364387Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3


4 weeks ago

Well! just keep doing! what you're doing! Daniel it's greatly appreciated!!!!!! love you man! Thanks for all the great music! I probably couldn't live without it! I'm not even joking! it's that good!!!!!!!!! much love! Daniel much love! 😍 😍 πŸ₯° β€β€β€πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰



4 weeks ago

I've always wondered how artists know when the song is done and ready for release to the world

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4 weeks ago

As Finn McKenty would say, "Don't bore us, get to the chorus" 😜
But Daniel Graves, your songs are always amazing... Bangers, all of them... ❀



4 weeks ago

Agree 😁😁 I definitely feel this with my newest song, it's mostly complete lyrically, but I definitely feel good about each verse, pre-chorus, and chorus. Once those were finished, it was such a relief, and, though it still needs work to be fully complete (Bridge is about all that's left), I do feel like the most complicated part is behind me



4 weeks ago

Honestly if it wasnt for oddko i probably would have never given you a listen, but now..... i cant get enough. My 3 favorite songs are definitely bad vibes, gods and gold and of course the great depression. You never know what the newest song will sound like, thats the best part.



4 weeks ago

I'm an artist, but an actual artist, that means, I draw, color, paint and write. Stuff like that. And I do the same thing in a sense because I will constantly write and draw and change things over and over cause I always feel like it's never perfect. I feel like it's OCD. Hey Daniel, I got a song idea for you. You should sing something about obsession, and someone that is bordering on psychopathic and the πŸ”ͺ tendencies. If anyone can do it I know u can. Anyways peace ✌ out..



1 day ago

Ilona and kids want an FBI contract!



4 weeks ago

That's good to know. I'm never satisfied with my songs and I'm constantly doubting myself so I edit them over and over and I still don't think they're good enough.



4 weeks ago

I've always heard authors and musicians tend to rewrite their work at least 3 times before they feel like putting something out.


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