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Uploaded At Sep 12, 2024 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
In my opinion
Strength: Tie
Speed: Red Rush
Durability: Anissa
Stamina: Red Rush
IQ: Darkwing
BIQ: Immortal = Anissa
Experience: Immortal
Combat: Anissa
Skill: Anissa
Endurance: Immortal = Anissa
Power: Tie
Abilities: Red Rush
Agility: Red Rush
C/R Speed: Red Rush
AP: Tie
Feats: Guardians
Guardians Win: 13-8, Mid Diff.
Nolan > Guardians > Anissa
24 |
Anissa stands little chance against the Guardians if they’re prepared. Omni man only defeated them when he caught them off guard and they weren’t going all out until Red Rush died. I don’t think any viltrumite besides Thragg beats them in a direct fight. Now that one would be a mid diff fight at best
7 |
Tbh, how they imply it, the Guardians of the Globe were overwhelmed by Omni-Man’s sudden betrayal and switch up..
To the point where the couldn’t coordinate as a team properly enough, like they did against the Mauler Twins.
Seeing as how at least decent the remaining members did against Omni Man, if they had teamed up more effectively then they probably could’ve won.
We actually see this as a What If in the comics too, where the guardians actually are on their guard and more prepared, and they actually beat Nolan.
Anissa should be somewhat faster than Nolan, but Red Rush and Omni Man are basically like DCEU Superman and Flash when it comes to speed comparison.
As you see Omni-Man tryna get a hit off of Immortal, but he perceives him in slow motion, but he still moves at like a slightly faster rate.
So if they play their cards right, they could actually beat Anissa.
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2 months ago
Viltrumites are scary as hell, cannot wait for Season 3 of Invincible.
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