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Views : 3,195
Genre: Entertainment
Uploaded At Nov 17, 2024 ^^
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Rating : 4.993 (1/548 LTDR)
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User score: 99.73- Masterpiece Video
RYD date created : 2024-11-19T14:23:56.350412Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
"I probably shouldn't say this..."
Dude! You SHOULD!!!
I lost my job because of the not-so-anonymous-after-all surveys! Granted, I won a wrongful termination suit later on, but I couldn't find a job for over a year after that! Out of my husband and I, I was the one who made the most money and carried the health insurance AND I HAD A NEWBORN!
Trust me, these are the things they need to know!!!! There are other ways to go about reporting unsatisfactory working conditions other than those blasted surveys... you just have to be VERY careful.
Dude I didn’t know this when I first started working the job I work now. I was almost brand new to it. I said it was good besides some coworkers that don’t want to work properly. I was asked to explain all of this on an “anonymous” call with HR ON THE PHONE. AND IT WASNT UNTIL THE END OF CALL I FOUND OUT MY SHIFT LEADER WAS ON A 3-WAY CALL LISTENING ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE ROOM WITH HIS OWN PHONE. “Alright thank you very much! And Doug you have any questions?” “Uh nope no sir, thank you for your time.” “😟
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1 week ago
The fact that he was dropping names and roasting his boss😂
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