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Views : 1,717
Genre: Sports
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Jun 16, 2023 ^^
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RYD date created : 2023-06-17T07:12:44.224246Z
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1 year ago
Sorry, if this would work then Special Forces would used it. If the Robber has a round in the chamber and his finger on the trigger and you mess up and are not fast enough the robber can pull the trigger faster than you can deflect the pistol and get his head and arm lock the small arm to the head for a disarm. In other worrds you are likely to take a round to the head and you are dead. This also assumes you know which hand he has the pistol in at night. thus the car is a convertable to show off the technique but also shows its limitations? The easiest way to disarm a pistol is to identify the hand the pistol is in FIRST and then grab the upper reciever to the lower reciever so the pistol jams when he shoots in his panic as you do the disarm and parry the barrel away from your head and vitals and rotate the pistol towards the thumb up and and then towards the thumb to break his grip on the hopefully jammed pistol. US Special Forces train in this method and so yeah, this may not be the best way to get out of a armed robbery in a enclosed car and unlike this convertable there will be less space to do these tricks in in a regular car. The object is to jam the gun and be prepared to go deaf if the windows are rolled up!