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Views : 40,804
Genre: Howto & Style
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Dec 30, 2023 ^^
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User score: 99.15- Masterpiece Video
RYD date created : 2024-05-25T11:24:43.239412Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Good job. Would have loved to have done this when I was younger, but I've had chemical sensitivities since childhood, which include the formaldehyde in wood and so this was always out of reach. Am so proud of the young women who are taken on this sort of work. It's great to see as I enter my last years.
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I am absolutely inspired by your creativity and incredible skills. Honest question, as a busy mom of three, including homeschooling them, with a husband who works 80-90 hours a week, (lots of solo-parenting for me) can you offer any tips for how to reasonably complete projects? I’m almost embarrassed to reveal that I have several projects that I’ve started and they’re beginning to feel daunting. I think I lose energy and focus about midway through, so then I get bored and begin another. Perhaps it’s a new DIY dopamine hit?😅 But it’s become a real problem. Solutions, suggestions or helpful insights are welcome. I’m all ears. Thanks
I could do that too but, I do not have the funds to do so. I have been at my company for 20 years and have only had 2 raises and havent been out sick since 2019 I even drive there in heavy snow. I was in the lumber business for 20 years and I come from a family of carpenters and I like working with tools. I admire those who can do this but lack of funds keeps many from not being able to do this. Im saving for my first house. Hopefully by next Fall I can make some home improvements. I desperately want a craft table.
1 year ago
Your doing great Sam, I don't think you can continue to call it a side hustle anymore, you have achieved full time CC. Come on down to Florida we can give you some projects and of course drink beer.
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