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License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Dec 11, 2023 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Programming is like a skill. You’re doing great.
Lots of people like to pump their chest and make themselves feel superior by trying to fix one thing on someone’s programming but don’t wholeheartedly fix the rest of the issues in those problems and overall just hurt everyone involved.
That being said you’ll honestly do want of sharpen your programming. You’ll do so much better by studying discrete math as well as a generic datastructures book. Helped me much more than any programming book. I’d also look into state machines in Godot as well as enums.
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Congrats on the hard work! I always find game loops super difficult to handle nicely.
Wave system has to start and stop spawning enemies, has to switch between waves and spawn patterns and timings, has to account for player dying to stop working, has to account for player starting the game, has to restart itself. There's a reason I hate coding main loops in games.
Reminds me of when I first started game dev! Don’t sell yourself short, a movable character with UI and enemy and spawner logic is something to be very proud of. A few recommendations:
Have wave timer durations be set outside of _process() since they seem to always be the same value, you can set them ahead of time above all the functions
Move the match statement into its own function, and only call that function when the new wave is supposed to start, not every frame.
I know that optimization at this stage in development is the bane of all things good, but these changes are small and quick, and should help a lot with debugging in the future :)
11 months ago
Dude, seriously, you're doing great!
Undertale has ONE conditional chain to store ALL of the game's dialog, and it's still a great and successful game.
You don't have to be a math and coding wizard to make a wonderful experience. That's the beauty of the current game development meta.
Focus on learning and having fun while doing it. That's honestly the most important part right now. You'll get tighter on math as you go :)
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