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Views : 2
Genre: Gaming
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Jun 6, 2024 ^^
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RYD date created : 2024-06-06T19:22:47.956069Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
1 strength: goku, luke was able to left a fighter jet... lets say vader can lift five... hell 10. Still not enough compared to goku.
2. Speed: goku... need i say more
3. Durability: seriously cant believe its a debate... vader is made of machines which be hit am1 good time and he cant breath.
4. Iq... yea vader got that in spades
5. Biq... im guessing battle iq... thats goku for real he loteralt develops moves and techniques during combat. Super saiyan blue kaiokenx10 with hit it was still underdevelopment, and he used it.
6. Power... whats the difference between power and strenght anyways.
7. Agility: given
8-9. Ap and dc not sure what that abbreviated for.
10. Hax: im guessing tricks... i think its tied but it would be goku to come up something on the spot
11. Abilites and skills again goku he develops stuff on the fly.
6 months ago
W goat and fax