@kavoddaily Next, The Mountain of Education
The Education mountain shapes the thinking and worldview of coming generations. This includes not just schools and universities, but all forms of learning and intellectual development. For too long, we've surrendered this mountain to secular philosophies that often contradict biblical truth.
God is calling educators, administrators, and curriculum developers to bring His wisdom and principles back into our educational systems.
The Mountain of Government
The Government mountain includes law, politics, and civic leadership. This mountain sets the boundaries and guidelines that govern society. When righteous people serve in government, they have the opportunity to establish just laws and policies that align with God's principles.
Remember, Daniel and Joseph served in pagan governments but brought godly wisdom and influence through their excellence and integrity. We need modern-day Daniels and Josephs who will serve with distinction in civic leadership. And if so called, we need the redeemed Cyrus’s or Pharaohs of our day.
Consider this challenging question: How many current pastors and church leaders were actually called by God to serve as senators, city council members, or even presidents? Too often, these governmental callings are dismissed as "secular," while the role of pastor is elevated as the only truly "divine" calling. This mindset has consequences.
We often hear about "pastor burnout" in the church. While this has many causes, I believe one significant factor is that some pastors are trying to force themselves into church leadership roles simply because it's the only path the Church has traditionally validated for leaders. They're attempting to squeeze their God-given calling into the confined space of pastoral ministry, when their true assignment lies elsewhere.
The implications are sobering:
How much have our governments and in effect our cultures and values suffered because those divinely called to serve in civic leadership have instead retreated to church offices? How many nations lack godly influence in their halls of power because we've redirected potential statesmen and women into pulpits?
The cost of this misalignment affects not just individuals, but entire societies.
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