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Top Comments of this video!! :3
I feel like something everyone keeps forgetting is that Nemona is THE best trainer in the entire school. Like to the point absolutely NOBODY wants to fight her anymore because of how good she is. So you being the only NEW person in the entire school, she lowers herself to your level and puts her faith in you becoming strong. Granted....yeah she 100% stalks you by appearing at like every gym you go.
TLDR: Nemona is someone too strong for anyone at school so she bet everything on the new kid and was paid back in spades. I really want people to actually talk to NPCs and look into side content that help describe the characters more.
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Random person #1: "I don't know, man. I have some really strong feelings about the whole thing."
(Heavy footsteps approaching at an alarming speed)
Random person #2: "Oh no. We gotta hide."
Random person #1: "What happened?"
Random person #2: "You shouldn't have said the S word."
Random person #1: "The wha-"
Nemona: "I heard your feelings are strong. But can they beat me in a Pokemon Battle?"
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I mean...the NPCs have faith for a reason, no? You literally do beat them all lol. Nemona is a huge breath of fresh air as a rival who says shes stronger than you from the very beginning, because she literally is, but lowers herself to your level to give you a fair fight. Compared to past rivals who claim theyll get stronger than you or that youre nothing 20 times throughout the game and get wiped every time, Nemona's attitude is a lot more believeable, and it builds towards the payoff fight against her at the end where she doesnt hold back really well.
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Nemona is a champion, but is bored az one. She's lost the ability to improve by leaps and bounds, which would be frustrating as hell.
I've been coding for 20 years, and do you have any idea how hars it is to learn something new in my field? Not like new tools or programming languages, but new *concepts*. An algorithm called "Wave Function Collapse" was invented in 2016, and I was all over it when I learned about it.
Yeah, I feel Nemona's frustration.
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I mean last time I checked schools don’t usually yell that you’re a failure every 3 seconds to encourage you that’s kind of the entire point of the academy isn’t it? Like…getting trainers to be better and encouraging them to do so? That’s their whole job to be happy that you’re getting somewhere on your journey and as far as it goes, what the job of all gym leaders and elite 4 are.
It makes them a lot more charming as characters too because I’m not gonna take the adult who’s trying to beef with a 10 year old seriously when their team is purposefully like. A geodude and an onyx.
Also damn, god forbid a character has a special interest and finally gets to meet someone who may match her in said special interest after being pushed away for a good portion of her life. But yknow mischaracterisation is a pretty common feat in the Pokémon community I guess.
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Rivals in Pokémon
Gen1: Narcissist
Gen2 : Anger and Daddy issue
Gen3 : people pleaser and a physical sick boi
Gen 4 : Literally Adhd
Gen 5 : sister of literally Adhd and Autism
Gen 5,2: Ptsd (?)
Gen 6: a dreamer, someone with OCD and Shauna
Gen 7: I eat my feelings and angsty emo teenager boi
Gen 8: why I have social anxiety
Gen 9: a stalker
63 |
I disagree with this honestly. While not distinct in the whole battle obsession thing gameplay wise she's one of the few characters that is fully obsessed with battles (and not in a generic "I want to be strong" type way) and makes it a core part of her personality.
She also has the whole guimmick of being really bored due to being much better than everyone else at battling and being desperate to actually be challenged, her "stalking" is just her being eager to have a proper rival and challenge for a change. This could be done better and have more focus but I think it's mostly fine and is definitely a thing that separates her from other characters that I think you're missing or ignoring.
I don't think she's the most interesting thing in the world at all nor is she very deep, but I think you kinda missed half her guimmick to be fully honest.
Also the whole "omg you're so good and epic you're a natural child prodigy" thing is annoying sometimes but I'm not really sure how else they're supposed to justify the player being able to beat these guys without making the player be personally blessed by some deity, which I'm not sure how often it'd fit into any story and it'd get repetitive. I guess maybe the best option would be to not aknowledge it but idk.
Besides, this game is one of the few ones where it actually makes sense because the gym leaders and elite four aren't really competitors and more of a glorified exam to gain a formal title, so it's less "oh wow you just beat me to the dirt that's awesome" and more "congratulations on passing your exam with flying colors!", though admittedly this aspect is barely developed or mentioned
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To be honest I never understood the Nemona hype. She's optimistic, she LOVES battles, and... that's it. She doesn't really have a character arc, at least one we get to see. She feels like a modern Fire Emblem character who's personality revolves around one or two traits throughout the story. She's battle-crazy from beginning to end.
Even though she was lonely at the top and was looking for a rival to be her equal, I still don't find her that interesting. She just shows up, battles us, then screws off until the next battle, just like any other rival.
Also the game forces us to be friends with Nemona whether we like her or not. Because screw player's choice am I right?
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4 months ago
Please ignore Penny who literally hacks your phone unprompted and tracks your location.
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