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Views : 4,789
Genre: Entertainment
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Jun 29, 2023 ^^
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RYD date created : 2023-07-24T22:11:14.611825Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
this coalition go government is representative of 2/3 of Canadians. the Christian right conservative nationalist party under pp represents 1/3. seems like the minority group of conservative nationalists wringing hands and clutching pearls are not of the people but strictly represents special interests. pp power represents trickle down economics and most Canadian voters are not into the trickle.
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If inflation drives input costs by 10% for example from $100 to $110 and a company operates on a 4 % margin they have to raise price not to $114 but to 114.5 there for the price went up more and created record profits because the employees and the owners all needed an increase to cover the same inflation in there own budgets. Without maintaining margin the big companies would see capital flight and the business would close. Wait til you see the price when the large competitor closes and reduces competition.
1 year ago
We need laws to prevent price gouging and those laws need to be enforced by very long prison sentences instead of fines. Fining a company a couple 100k when they made millions and rhey'll just jack pric3s to make up for the fines. As soon as CEOs start getting 30 year sentences they calm down on their profits.
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