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Views : 4,233
Genre: Howto & Style
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At May 23, 2024 ^^
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RYD date created : 2024-05-30T17:59:21.668635Z
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7 months ago
Chaya has the heart of a chef! She brings the most delicious ingredients together and builds a lovely salad in the Ottolenghi tradition. I see roasted red bell peppers paired with farro, black olives, a luscious brick of feta, what looks like green onions or perhaps celery, and is that fresh (ahh❤) oregano? There's a lot to take in, but no one ingredient overwhelms any other.
I really can't tell what's in the dressing, other than maybe paprika (sweet? smoked?), maybe mustard (but what kind?), maybe a rough chop of oregano leaves con brio, all blended together with a squeeze of citrus (orange? lemon?) and a crush of garlic, whisked with an extra virgin olive oil and a bit of salt and pepper (of course).
Definitely an Ottolenghified salad. Oh so simple and oh so satisfying. 😊
ETA: Now that I've seen the recipe – Farro and Roasted Red Pepper Salad – I see where I've guessed wrong. It's green onions, not celery; lemon, not orange (but why not orange?); a lovely spoon of honey, not mustard; and allspice, not pepper! But Yes! Oregano and smoked paprika ❤
If you want the directions, all you need do is search for the name of the salad, which I've given you, above
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