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Views : 11,597
Genre: Education
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Feb 14, 2024 ^^
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Rating : 4.983 (8/1,859 LTDR)
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User score: 99.35- Masterpiece Video
RYD date created : 2024-08-17T16:55:53.580183Z
See in json
10 months ago
00:10 You can turn down "Anti-aliasing Threshold" under the "Grease Pencil" category as well to turn off anti-aliasing for grease pencil objects.
00:19 This also makes colors more true to what you set them too--in filmic, the color #FFFFFF is more like to end up as #D3D3D3 (white to gray). Standard will change that, making #FFFFFF actually end up as #FFFFFF. This is especially noticeable in emission materials.
00:29 You can edit both fields at once by holding left-click on one, dragging over the other, and then letting go of left-click.
00:31 To duplicate nodes, you can press Shift and D at the same time.
00:41 Here, I went back to the material view of the object.
At the end, it looks like it's just two-tone, but berb clearly has more going on. I added a fresnel node on top of it and did some painting as well. I'll cover this in another video!
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