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Views : 10,945,692
Genre: Entertainment
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Sep 5, 2022 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
When I was a boyscout in PA we had to rough it on outpost camp. Gave us one match and one raw burger and said figure it out for dinner. MOST tossed rock in fire to cook. I said those wet rocks will explode
They laughed as I cooked on my green branch grill. Before long all the rocks were dumping burgers in the fire. You have to be insane to heat a boulder above you!!!
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I'd be skeptical for two reasons. Most other comments are about the rock cracking and falling. Before explosives, miners used fire against rock to crack rock but, they used water to rapidly cool the first few mm causing the cracking. The mass of the big boulder woud probably keep things stable. The other concern is that the fire could consume all the oxygen in that little cave. Needs a bit of a chimney. If the smoke can get out, oxygen could come in.
101 |
Lighting a fire against or under a rock outcropping will cause the rock to expand. This thermal expansion may cause a large piece of the stone face to fracture off and crush the occupant. The proper way is to put the fire two meters away from the rock face and, to sit facing the fire with your back to the rock cliff.
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I've got several little places on my property, i have one where boulders are stacked on top only about a foot high i crawled on my stomach & out the other end the creek is about 10' down . That was back in 87. Stone Walls stacked up about 2' high. In the woods throughout the area Delaware natives lived this area along time ago.
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1 year ago
Can be dangerous heating a rock like that. If somewhat porous any moisture Can cause the rock to fracture. Possibly crushing you. At a typical camp fire I’ve seen rocks explode.
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