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Views : 237,365
Genre: Pets & Animals
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Aug 19, 2022 ^^
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User score: 98.05- Masterpiece Video
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
They are the best dogs ever. They are ride or die, for sure. One day my husband came home after a BAD day at work, like a questioning my career path bad, and the moment our heeler saw him, he ran to his toybox and methodically pulled his toys out one by one until he found the toy that he thought would make Daddy happy. If you are loving and attentive to them and help them have positive ways to use their brains and energy, they are so attentive and loving to you in return. He was the best dog ever. We miss him every day.
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Mine has so many jobs; clear the beach of birds, check the yard for snakes, point out any snakes, walk the kids to the jetty in the morning, case the butcher shop, steal a leg of lamb from the butcher, do a perimeter check, have a rest, pick the kids up from the jetty, walk them home, herd the chickens back into the coop, herd the guinea pigs back to the hutch, play,play, play!
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Mine is my service pup in training. People are surprised when they see him calm by my feet in line walking beside me when my hands are full and him waiting at the door until I let him know we are going. I try explaining I am his job. He is working when we leave the house. Give them a task and it won't matter if they are 6 months like mine or 7 years like other people's . Communication is key!
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I'm on day 5 with a 9 week old Mini Texas heeler, and I must say she is such a smart and loving puppy. She is almost fully potty trained, knows how to sit and lay down already, plays fetch, independently plays with her toys, and learning what gentle means when play fighting. I have been going easy on her with training since she is so young, but boy has she surprised me in so many ways. I can already tell what an amazing dog she is going to turn out to be. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
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I have one , got him at 5 months because the original owner couldn’t handle him. The 10 day transition was hard nearly suicidal. Now he’s part of the family and knows it. Extremely protective no matter the size of the elephant.
We live on a boat traveling which is why I wanted a dog like this. It’s his job to protect and serve and he’s probably underpaid.
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2 years ago
Heelers are not for the faint of heart...I've had 2 and they definitely tested my patience, but I will say without a doubt, they are the greatest breed of all time.
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