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Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Oct 2, 2024 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
I really hope those are micro-transphasics and not a serious nerf to the armored voyager transphasic torpedo power - this comes from the fact I originally made the transphasics to blow a Borg Cube in one shot bypasing shields and that looks like they nerfed the shield-through effect. When testing on my own install, my Armored Voyager takes the Ori out in one transphasic torpedo shot.
EDIT: A KM Borg Cube, to be more specific. Nerfing it to the degree it seems to be seen here would not make the transphasics actually bother that Borg Cube and would not be canon. If they are a separate transphasic torpedo fine, but not if they are the transphasic torp projectile I am thinking and are breaking thus canon-ship battle accuracy. I pride myself on trying to make my vessel mods stick the most possible to canon technologies and damage outputs.
EDIT 2: To be clear, my version of the torpedoes is on the 15k-19k damage range but had an special tech plus damage radious to allow for certain immunities to happen if necessary, and they take 2-3 transphasics to take out an Ori Warship. However, those seen here seem to be around a third of the power, around 6k; no more than 12k, which due to damage radious shenanigans, actually affects hulls a lot less when on impact.
EDIT 3: Sorry, I forgot to add this: thank you for the video, excluding the transphasic thing, I loved the battle.
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3 months ago
You mean my dream of phase cloak torpedoes is real!!! I’m so happy I’m crying
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