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Views : 289
Genre: Entertainment
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Jul 2, 2024 ^^
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User score: 100.00- Masterpiece Video
RYD date created : 2024-07-02T16:38:52.615601Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
The longer the burn time, the more likely collapse is going to happen. Be ready and expect it. The first time I saw that it amazed me. Service Merchandise Warehouse in Garland, Texas. It was a large tilt wall structure. As the fire heated up, the steel joists streched and pushed the wall out. First sign of bad-first in was an ambulance and he found 4 adjacent water flow bells ringing their tail off. Being an older captain, he put 2 alarms on it before anyone else got there. Eventually, mutual aid from Dallas went 4 alarms for a total of 7. We also had a chief park his car with lights running on the railroad tracks to warn oncoming trains.
6 months ago
Bill I remember when I was a young firefighter we got a call to a log home fire well a group of us went to go in the chief stopped us and broke up the crew 3 in 3 out well thank God he did it cause it had a smoke explosion and flashover we were able to pull the other guys out but then I was collecting my thoughts while running a 3 dragon slayer line and the same chief moved me back I was in collapse zone and no kidding part of the building landed on the hose where I was a good chief is always vigilant ♥️stay safe and great catch brother 🍀