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Uploaded At May 7, 2024 ^^
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RYD date created : 2024-05-11T14:59:02.427734Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
There IS a difference between furries and therians and this is the line. Furries use costumes to cosplay and enjoy a OC or character they personally like. Such as a person dressing up as stitch,Mike from monsters Inc., and people dressing as sully or as a character they made up. They are not saying they are these animals most of the time. They are saying they are enjoying the character and its assets. Now that you understand I will explain a “therian.”
“Therians” say they ARE the animals they dress up as and believe they were them at one point or another. They act like animals they so called were. They usually consist of kids ranging from 7-13 who don’t wanna be called furries (it isn’t a bad thing) so they made up the term. They make masks NOT fursuits. They post content saying phrases like…
“Look he remembers me”
“My threian types”
“Me in my past life”
“I feel like I am a cat”
These are not part of the pity yet
Kids and adults have started realizing the term and what it means. Now people connect it to furries who are different and unquestionably a more developed fandom.
These kids who do it are most likely the kids who are backed up into a corner and feel they don’t belong. To cope they make a fake “life” that they had so they can blame bullying or discrimination on that. A child in my 7th grade class suddenly identifies as a “snake” and forces everyone to treat “it” that way while expressing that they are also human. It was pretty disgusting how they hissed and attempted to bite my history teacher because they didn’t wanna do an assignment. (They got pulled and Actually managed to hit 3 teachers and bite a kid so hard they bled) now isn’t that interesting they kid who was mean then weird suddenly becomes therian to save themselves and justify the behavior?
I think you see the problem now.
Thank you for your time.
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8 months ago
I think it's unfair to judge Furries and Therians. They are cool and should be treated the same as any other person!
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